7 Li + 9 Be, Elab =130 MeV F. Carstoiu, L. Trache, R.E. Tribble, C.A. Gagliardi,Physical Review, C70 (2004) 054610 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: Energy spread dE/E up to 1/2500; angular spread 0.1 deg. Target: Self-supporting 9 Be (200 mg/cm2 ) target. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The experiments were performed using 6Li and 7Li beams of 9 and 19 MeV/nucleon from the Texas A&M University K500 superconducting cyclotron and the Multipole Dipole Multipole(MDM) magnetic spectrometer.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 7.236 0.9999 10 0.09999 0.09999 8.46 0.6753 10.001 0.06753 0.06753 9.358 0.1708 10 0.01708 0.01708 10.26 0.08742 10 0.008742 0.008742 11.15 0.2764 10 0.02764 0.02764 12.05 0.6414 10 0.06414 0.06414 13.06 1.003 10.001 0.1003 0.1003 13.62 1.343 10 0.1343 0.1343 14.97 1.414 10 0.1414 0.1414 15.64 1.111 10 0.1111 0.1111 16.54 0.8019 10 0.08019 0.08019 17.44 0.479 10 0.0479 0.0479 18.11 0.3397 10 0.03397 0.03397 19.23 0.3171 10 0.03171 0.03171 20.13 0.4103 10 0.04103 0.04103 21.03 0.559 10 0.0559 0.0559 21.82 0.6638 10 0.06638 0.06638 22.6 0.7748 10 0.07748 0.07748 23.61 0.859 10 0.0859 0.0859 24.51 0.7234 10 0.07234 0.07234 25.52 0.5786 10 0.05786 0.05786 26.42 0.513 10 0.0513 0.0513 26.87 0.4174 10 0.04174 0.04174 27.99 0.3766 10 0.03766 0.03766 28.89 0.3965 10 0.03965 0.03965 29.9 0.4103 10 0.04103 0.04103 30.79 0.4549 10 0.04549 0.04549 31.58 0.4708 10 0.04708 0.04708 32.59 0.513 10 0.0513 0.0513 33.49 0.5219 10 0.05219 0.05219 34.5 0.5219 10 0.05219 0.05219 35.28 0.5043 10 0.05043 0.05043 36.29 0.479 10 0.0479 0.0479 37.08 0.4628 10 0.04628 0.04628 37.87 0.4549 10 0.04549 0.04549 38.54 0.4103 10 0.04103 0.04103 39.77 0.4174 10 0.04174 0.04174 40.45 0.3831 10 0.03831 0.03831 41.23 0.4174 10 0.04174 0.04174 42.02 0.3831 10 0.03831 0.03831 43.14 0.4033 10 0.04033 0.04033 44.04 0.432 10 0.0432 0.0432 44.6 0.3638 10.001 0.03638 0.03638 45.72 0.3766 10 0.03766 0.03766 46.62 0.3516 10 0.03516 0.03516 47.52 0.3897 10 0.03897 0.03897 48.19 0.3226 10 0.03226 0.03226 49.2 0.3339 10.001 0.03339 0.03339 50.1 0.3064 10 0.03064 0.03064 50.88 0.2717 10 0.02717 0.02717 51.67 0.2409 10 0.02409 0.02409 52.9 0.2536 10 0.02536 0.02536 54.36 0.2717 10 0.02717 0.02717 55.26 0.2249 10 0.02249 0.02249 56.16 0.1927 10 0.01927 0.01927 57.51 0.1799 10 0.01799 0.01799 58.63 0.1738 10 0.01738 0.01738 59.75 0.1679 10 0.01679 0.01679 60.54 0.1738 10 0.01738 0.01738 61.55 0.1595 10 0.01595 0.01595 62.22 0.1298 10 0.01298 0.01298 63.23 0.102 10.001 0.0102 0.0102 64.46 0.1038 10 0.01038 0.01038 65.25 0.1003 10.001 0.01003 0.01003 66.71 0.09526 10 0.009526 0.009526 67.16 0.0749 10 0.00749 0.00749 68.39 0.06641 10 0.006641 0.006641 69.29 0.05497 10.001 0.005497 0.005497 69.96 0.06417 10 0.006417 0.006417 70.86 0.05221 10 0.005221 0.005221 71.65 0.0569 10 0.00569 0.00569 72.66 0.05221 10.859 0.005669 0.005669 73.44 0.03398 14.327 0.004868 0.004868 74.12 0.03966 14.736 0.005844 0.005844 75.13 0.03966 14.736 0.005844 0.005844 76.03 0.03457 14.328 0.004953 0.004953 76.81 0.04105 18.746 0.007695 0.007695 77.71 0.0364 20.017 0.007286 0.007286 78.49 0.02174 22.719 0.004939 0.004939 79.28 0.02862 20.014 0.005728 0.005728 80.29 0.0334 20.806 0.006949 0.006949 81.3 0.02581 22.899 0.00591 0.00591 81.86 0.0225 20.018 0.004504 0.004504