16 O + 92 Zr, Elab =56 MeV E.M. Takagui, G.R. Satchler, H. Takai, K. Koide, O. Dietzsch,Nuclear Physics, A514 (1990) 120-144 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: The targets, 10-20 μg/cm2 thick, were made by vacuum evaporation of metallic zirconium or zirconium oxide, enriched to 95% in 92 Zr. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The University of Sao Paulo tandem accelerator facility was used for measurements.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 45.87 1.037 7.66 0.07943 0.07943 51.36 1.054 6.422 0.06768 0.06768 56.71 1.028 6.415 0.06594 0.06594 57.94 1.057 7.649 0.08084 0.08084 59.57 1.018 7.794 0.07934 0.07934 62.34 0.9907 6.833 0.06769 0.06769 65.08 0.9918 8.847 0.08774 0.08774 67.82 1.047 7.646 0.08005 0.08005 70.98 1.091 8.858 0.09663 0.09663 73.04 1.121 7.647 0.08572 0.08572 74.54 1.137 8.857 0.1007 0.1007 77.56 1.154 7.649 0.08826 0.08826 78.8 1.139 10.088 0.1149 0.1149 83.88 1.026 8.878 0.09108 0.09108 86.35 0.8999 7.656 0.06889 0.06889 89.1 0.7995 8.852 0.07077 0.07077 99.15 0.382 7.65 0.02922 0.02922 104.8 0.2471 7.641 0.01888 0.01888 109.8 0.1686 7.64 0.01288 0.01288 114.9 0.1105 8.862 0.009792 0.009792 119.4 0.07535 8.868 0.006682 0.006682 123.9 0.05639 7.645 0.004311 0.004311 128.6 0.04002 7.639 0.003057 0.003057 133.2 0.02765 7.646 0.002114 0.002114 137.7 0.01962 10.077 0.001977 0.001977 142 0.01374 8.865 0.001218 0.001218 146.2 0.01341 8.86 0.001188 0.001188 150.5 0.009512 7.635 0.0007262 0.0007262 155 0.007606 7.646 0.0005815 0.0005815 159.2 0.007036 8.862 0.0006235 0.0006235