6 Li + 206 Pb, Elab =88 MeV C.B. Fulmer, G.R. Satchler, E.E. Gross, F.E. Bertrand, C.D. Goodman, D.C. Hensley, J.R. Wu, N.M. Clarke, M.F. Steeden,Nuclear Physics, A356 (1981) 235 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: The energy spread of the beam on target to about 120 keV. Target: Self-supporting foils of the separated isotope, thickness 6 mg/cm2 . Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The measurements were made using the 88 MeV 6 Li beam from the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 8.38 0.9353 6.66 0.06229 0.06229 8.81 0.9824 6.076 0.05969 0.05969 9.31 1.004 4.944 0.04963 0.04963 9.67 1.003 4.943 0.04957 0.04957 10.1 0.9408 5.512 0.05185 0.05185 10.5 1.005 4.948 0.04972 0.04972 10.9 0.927 5.489 0.05088 0.05088 11.4 0.9712 5.506 0.05347 0.05347 11.8 1.063 4.95 0.05261 0.05261 11.9 0.9494 5.487 0.05209 0.05209 12.2 1.019 5.506 0.0561 0.0561 12.7 1.013 5.511 0.05582 0.05582 13.2 1.052 5.505 0.05791 0.05791 13.6 1.08 4.717 0.05094 0.05094 13.9 1.183 4.94 0.05844 0.05844 14.3 1.177 6.072 0.07146 0.07146 14.8 1.152 5.218 0.06011 0.06011 15.1 1.268 5.799 0.07353 0.07353 15.6 1.255 4.941 0.062 0.062 15.9 1.17 6.071 0.07103 0.07103 16.4 1.182 5.507 0.06509 0.06509 16.9 1.176 6.074 0.07143 0.07143 17.3 1.052 5.805 0.06106 0.06106 17.8 1.05 6.076 0.06379 0.06379 18.4 1.035 5.799 0.06001 0.06001 18.5 0.8941 5.509 0.04925 0.04925 19.1 0.9133 5.508 0.0503 0.0503 19.5 0.8655 5.508 0.04767 0.04767 20 0.8258 4.948 0.04086 0.04086 20.2 0.7028 5.8 0.04076 0.04076 20.7 0.7287 5.503 0.0401 0.0401 21.1 0.7056 5.504 0.03883 0.03883 21.3 0.5975 5.503 0.03288 0.03288 21.8 0.5601 6.078 0.03404 0.03404 22.3 0.5482 5.508 0.03019 0.03019 22.7 0.4926 5.488 0.02703 0.02703 23.1 0.44 5.803 0.02553 0.02553 23.6 0.4469 6.076 0.02715 0.02715 23.9 0.395 5.504 0.02174 0.02174 24.3 0.3417 5.734 0.01959 0.01959 24.8 0.3567 5.504 0.01963 0.01963 25 0.3186 5.732 0.01826 0.01826 25.4 0.2892 5.799 0.01677 0.01677 25.9 0.2646 5.802 0.01535 0.01535 26.3 0.2516 5.505 0.01385 0.01385 26.7 0.2296 5.501 0.01263 0.01263 27 0.2044 4.952 0.01012 0.01012 27.3 0.1856 4.948 0.009183 0.009183 27.9 0.1872 4.943 0.009252 0.009252 28.3 0.1568 6.075 0.009525 0.009525 28.6 0.1379 5.734 0.007906 0.007906 29.2 0.1238 5.505 0.006814 0.006814 29.7 0.1083 5.506 0.005962 0.005962 30.4 0.09467 5.501 0.005207 0.005207 30.8 0.07764 4.72 0.003664 0.003664 31.6 0.07161 5.801 0.004154 0.004154 32.1 0.06194 5.73 0.003549 0.003549 32.7 0.05504 5.507 0.003031 0.003031 33.9 0.04557 5.8 0.002643 0.002643 35 0.03354 5.8 0.001945 0.001945 36.3 0.02499 5.507 0.001376 0.001376 37.4 0.02104 5.509 0.001159 0.001159 38.7 0.0167 5.503 0.000919 0.000919 39.9 0.01369 5.508 0.000754 0.000754 41 0.008179 15.577 0.001274 0.001274 42.1 0.005959 20.004 0.001192 0.001192 43.4 0.006455 16.205 0.001046 0.001046 44.6 0.003447 16.548 0.0005704 0.0005704 45.8 0.001898 23.315 0.0004425 0.0004425 47 0.002908 28.377 0.0008252 0.0008252 48 0.001565 25.54 0.0003997 0.0003997 49.1 0.0007816 43.706 0.0003416 0.0003416 50.5 0.0006488 44.775 0.0002905 0.0002905