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6Li + 27Al, Elab=10 MeV
J.O. Fernandez Niello, J.M. Figguiera, D. Abriola, A. Arazi, O.A. Capurro, G.V. Marti, D. Martinez Heinmann, A.J. Pacheco, E. de Barbara, I. Pardon, P.R.S. Gomes, J. Lubian, Nuclear Physics, A787 (2007) 484c–490c
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
Beam quality: no data Target: The target was an aluminum foil of thickness 70 mcg/cm2. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)The measurements were carried out using 6,7Li beams from the 20 UD tandem accelerator at the TANDAR Laboratory.