Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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6Li + 14C,   Elab=93 MeV

A.S. Demyanova, J.M. Bang, F.A. Gareev, S.A. Goncharov, S.N. Ershov, A.A. Ogloblin, P.P. Korovin,
Nuclear Physics, A501 (1989) 336-366
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: The target was self-supporting film of the isotope 14C(1-1.4 mg/cm2, 85% enriched).
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiment was performed by means of a beam of 6Li ions accelerated up to 93 MeV by the isocronous cyclotron of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
11.9 0.2252 6.31 0.01421 0.01421
13.6 0.4097 5.627 0.02305 0.02305
14.5 0.7893 6.309 0.04979 0.04979
16.8 0.6744 6.918 0.04665 0.04665
18 0.1307 5.625 0.007351 0.007351
19.3 0.09641 5.211 0.005023 0.005023
20.4 0.2727 6.271 0.0171 0.0171
21.6 0.5683 5.213 0.02962 0.02962
24.1 0.3154 4.484 0.01414 0.01414
24.8 0.1711 5.501 0.009412 0.009412
25.7 0.07436 5.501 0.00409 0.00409
28.2 0.07967 6.31 0.005027 0.005027
29.1 0.1585 6.316 0.01001 0.01001
29.7 0.3002 5.167 0.01551 0.01551
31.4 0.3216 5.601 0.01801 0.01801
33.4 0.2143 5.488 0.01176 0.01176
34.4 0.1351 6.06 0.008187 0.008187
36.3 0.09654 5.626 0.005431 0.005431
38.6 0.1261 5.5 0.006935 0.006935
40.5 0.1281 5.502 0.007047 0.007047
42.3 0.1173 4.984 0.005846 0.005846
44.2 0.1012 5.146 0.005207 0.005207
46.5 0.0762 5.626 0.004287 0.004287
48.6 0.06831 5.322 0.003635 0.003635
51.4 0.09035 4.984 0.004503 0.004503
53.3 0.09899 4.986 0.004935 0.004935
54.6 0.09429 5.627 0.005305 0.005305
56.6 0.09148 6.27 0.005735 0.005735
58.5 0.08454 4.986 0.004215 0.004215
60.1 0.07578 4.986 0.003778 0.003778
62.4 0.07181 5.551 0.003986 0.003986
64 0.06316 4.985 0.003148 0.003148
65.3 0.05662 5.626 0.003185 0.003185
68 0.04376 7.199 0.00315 0.00315
69.6 0.03103 5.627 0.001746 0.001746
70.1 0.04414 9.545 0.004213 0.004213
70.8 0.02275 6.295 0.001432 0.001432
71.8 0.02116 9.263 0.00196 0.00196
73.8 0.02 8.775 0.001755 0.001755
76.3 0.01867 7.949 0.001484 0.001484
78.4 0.01811 8.78 0.00159 0.00159
80.7 0.01543 8.886 0.001371 0.001371
83.5 0.01294 10.889 0.001409 0.001409
84.9 0.01233 7.567 0.000933 0.000933
86.6 0.01119 8.88 0.0009936 0.0009936
90.6 0.009968 8.882 0.0008853 0.0008853
92.8 0.01144 7.987 0.0009136 0.0009136
95 0.01066 7.033 0.0007497 0.0007497
98.9 0.008572 7.487 0.0006417 0.0006417
101 0.007819 8.067 0.0006307 0.0006307
104 0.005629 17.4 0.0009794 0.0009794
109 0.006401 10.363 0.0006633 0.0006633
114 0.004812 17.927 0.0008626 0.0008626
122 0.003298 22.302 0.0007355 0.0007355
124 0.003146 19.648 0.0006181 0.0006181