6 Li + 40 Ca, Elab =28 MeV J. Cook, K.W. Kemper, M.F. Vineyard,Physical Review, C26 (1982) 486-492 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: Evaporating natural calcium metal (96.8% 40 Ca) onto formvar backing. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) Experiment was performed with the super FN tandem Van de Graaf accelerator at the Florida State University.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 12.4 1.088 7.84 0.08529 0.08529 14.3 1.24 8.509 0.1055 0.1055 14.7 1.07 7.843 0.08391 0.08391 15.4 0.9393 7.84 0.07364 0.07364 17.3 0.9865 8.506 0.08391 0.08391 17.6 0.8657 9.332 0.08078 0.08078 19.3 0.9091 8.507 0.07733 0.07733 19.7 0.7722 6.323 0.04882 0.04882 21.5 0.7233 6.75 0.04882 0.04882 22.4 0.6245 7.84 0.04896 0.04896 23.5 0.6348 3.32 0.02107 0.02107 23.9 0.5392 7.84 0.04227 0.04227 25.1 0.557 8.507 0.04738 0.04738 25.6 0.4809 9.333 0.04488 0.04488 26.8 0.4152 7.84 0.03255 0.03255 27.6 0.3954 7.838 0.03099 0.03099 28.8 0.4152 6.749 0.02802 0.02802 29.5 0.3585 7.839 0.0281 0.0281 30.9 0.3413 7.841 0.02676 0.02676 32.2 0.2947 8.507 0.02507 0.02507 32.2 0.2544 7.839 0.01994 0.01994 33.6 0.2422 7.841 0.01899 0.01899 34.9 0.2091 7.844 0.0164 0.0164 35.9 0.1959 7.841 0.01536 0.01536 36.6 0.1584 7.841 0.01242 0.01242 37.3 0.1835 6.322 0.0116 0.0116 38.1 0.1584 7.841 0.01242 0.01242 39.4 0.146 7.843 0.01145 0.01145 41 0.139 7.842 0.0109 0.0109 42.1 0.1584 7.841 0.01242 0.01242 42.3 0.12 7.843 0.009411 0.009411 43.5 0.09868 6.323 0.006239 0.006239 44.5 0.1162 6.322 0.007346 0.007346 45.4 0.08246 9.332 0.007695 0.007695 46.9 0.06146 8.507 0.005228 0.005228 47.7 0.05306 9.333 0.004952 0.004952 49.8 0.05758 6.749 0.003886 0.003886 50.5 0.04657 6.322 0.002944 0.002944 52.3 0.0489 9.334 0.004564 0.004564 53.6 0.04292 7.838 0.003364 0.003364 54.6 0.03766 19.124 0.007202 0.007202 55 0.04507 10.293 0.004639 0.004639 56.5 0.03046 10.802 0.00329 0.00329 57.6 0.03305 8.506 0.002811 0.002811 58.7 0.02308 10.798 0.002492 0.002492 60.4 0.02673 21.643 0.005785 0.005785 61.9 0.01806 9.336 0.001686 0.001686 62.3 0.02233 17.739 0.003961 0.003961 64 0.01303 10.799 0.001407 0.001407 65.8 0.01325 15.057 0.001995 0.001995 67.2 0.01325 13.948 0.001848 0.001848 68.4 0.01325 12.242 0.001622 0.001622 69.5 0.007984 9.333 0.0007451 0.0007451 69.7 0.009248 5.021 0.0004643 0.0004643 71.4 0.007728 8.507 0.0006574 0.0006574 72.4 0.006149 7.839 0.000482 0.000482 75.5 0.006893 15.828 0.001091 0.001091 77.8 0.005855 10.8 0.0006323 0.0006323