Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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9Be + 208Pb,   Elab=60 MeV

R.J.Woolliscroft, B.R.Fulton, R.L.Cowin, M.Dasgupta, D.J.Hinde, C.R.Morton, A.C.Berriman,
Physical Review, C69 (2004) 044612
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: no data
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Facility: The 14UD Pelletron. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
32.59 6684.7 0.7 46.7929 46.7929
33.94 5630.4 0.7 39.4128 39.4128
35.39 4735 0.8 37.88 37.88
36.73 4030.6 0.8 32.2448 32.2448
38.13 3764.6 0.9 33.8814 33.8814
39.53 3450.1 0.9 31.0509 31.0509
40.82 3110.9 1 31.109 31.109
42.22 2735.3 1 27.353 27.353
42.94 2617.9 0.7 18.3253 18.3253
43.51 2511.7 1.1 27.6287 27.6287
44.28 2309 0.8 18.472 18.472
45.73 1942.7 0.8 15.5416 15.5416
47.06 1609.6 0.9 14.4864 14.4864
48.46 1344.8 0.9 12.1032 12.1032
49.84 1121 1 11.21 11.21
51.13 915.61 1.1 10.0718 10.0718
52.52 715.08 1.2 8.581 8.581
53.24 633.86 0.6 3.8032 3.8032
53.8 572.98 1.4 8.0218 8.0218
54.57 503.88 0.7 3.5272 3.5272
56.01 383.41 0.7 2.6839 2.6839
57.34 270.41 0.9 2.4337 2.4337
58.72 208.6 0.9 1.8774 1.8774
60.11 166.03 1 1.6603 1.6603
61.38 129.41 1.2 1.553 1.553
62.76 100.87 1.3 1.3114 1.3114
64.04 78.698 1.5 1.1805 1.1805
72.33 15.499 1.6 0.248 0.248
73.65 13.162 1.7 0.2238 0.2238
74.97 9.95 1.9 0.1891 0.1891
76.39 7.51 2.2 0.1653 0.1653
77.7 5.751 2.5 0.1438 0.1438
79.07 4.615 2.7 0.1247 0.1247
80.43 3.666 3.1 0.1137 0.1137
81.69 2.668 3.6 0.0961 0.0961
82.45 2.088 3 0.0627 0.0627
83.05 2.255 3.9 0.088 0.088
83.75 1.769 3.2 0.0567 0.0567
84.31 1.664 4.6 0.0766 0.0766
85.06 1.539 3.4 0.0524 0.0524
86.47 1.059 4 0.0424 0.0424