Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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9Be + 208Pb,   Elab=75 MeV

R.J.Woolliscroft, B.R.Fulton, R.L.Cowin, M.Dasgupta, D.J.Hinde, C.R.Morton, A.C.Berriman,
Physical Review, C69 (2004) 044612
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: no data
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Facility: The 14UD Pelletron. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
26.36 9593.9 1 95.939 95.939
27.76 8584.7 1 85.8471 85.8471
29.17 7522.7 1.1 82.7498 82.7498
30.46 6397.6 1.1 70.3736 70.3736
31.24 5703.8 0.7 39.9266 39.9266
32.59 4629.9 0.7 32.4093 32.4093
33.94 3589.1 0.8 28.7128 28.7128
35.39 2698.2 0.8 21.5856 21.5856
36.73 1983.1 0.9 17.8479 17.8479
38.13 1433.2 1 14.332 14.332
39.53 1037.4 1.2 12.4489 12.4489
40.82 737.62 1.3 9.5891 9.5891
41.6 587.88 0.8 4.7031 4.7031
42.94 417.33 0.9 3.756 3.756
44.28 289.34 1 2.8934 2.8934
45.73 197.88 1.2 2.3746 2.3746
47.06 129.25 1.4 1.8095 1.8095
48.46 88.778 1.7 1.5093 1.5093
49.84 64.155 1.9 1.219 1.219
51.13 44.013 2.3 1.0123 1.0123
51.9 36.253 1.3 0.4713 0.4713
53.24 25.499 1.5 0.3825 0.3825
54.57 17.035 1.8 0.3067 0.3067
56.01 11.267 2.1 0.2367 0.2367
57.34 7.665 2.6 0.1993 0.1993
58.72 5.334 3.1 0.1654 0.1654
60.11 3.608 3.7 0.1335 0.1335
61.38 2.494 4.5 0.1123 0.1123
62.15 1.234 4.7 0.058 0.058