Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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6Li + 90Zr,   Elab=24.92 MeV

H. Kumawat, V. Jha, B. J. Roy, V. V. Parkar, S. Santra, V. Kumar, D. Dutta, P. Shukla, L. M. Pant, A. K. Mohanty, R. K. Choudhury, S. Kailas,
Physical Review, C78 (2008) 044617
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: Beam currents were typically in the range of 5–30 nA.
Target: 400 μg/cm2, self-supported enriched 90Zr (≥99%) target.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
Experimental measurements were performed using the 6Li(3+) beam delivered by the 14UD Pelletron accelerator of the TIFR/BARC Facility in Mumbai, India. The elastically scattered 6Li ions were detected by four solid state silicon surface barrier detectors in a ΔE + E telescopic arrangement.  

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
31.72 1.0085 3.14 0.03166 0.03166
37.1 1.0635 3.139 0.03338 0.03338
40.04 1.0525 3.139 0.03303 0.03303
42.48 1.03 4.165 0.04289 0.04289
45.18 1.0415 4.162 0.04334 0.04334
47.87 0.9665 4.164 0.04024 0.04024
50.31 0.8785 3.139 0.02757 0.02757
52.76 0.807 4.162 0.03358 0.03358
55.45 0.733 3.14 0.02301 0.02301
57.9 0.6455 3.138 0.02025 0.02025
60.59 0.574 5.178 0.02972 0.02972
63.28 0.522 4.161 0.02172 0.02172
65.73 0.4496 3.139 0.01411 0.01411
68.42 0.38745 4.164 0.01613 0.01613
70.87 0.3447 3.139 0.01082 0.01082
73.32 0.297 4.162 0.01236 0.01236
76.01 0.25325 5.177 0.01311 0.01311
78.45 0.2229 5.178 0.01154 0.01154
81.15 0.20045 5.179 0.01038 0.01038
83.1 0.16035 4.166 0.00668 0.00668
86.04 0.13965 5.178 0.00723 0.00723
88 0.12555 5.178 0.0065 0.0065
91.18 0.10705 4.167 0.00446 0.00446
93.63 0.09225 4.163 0.00384 0.00384
96.07 0.0812 4.163 0.00338 0.00338
103.4 0.0525 5.181 0.00272 0.00272
113.4 0.02716 4.161 0.00113 0.00113
123.2 0.01913 6.169 0.00118 0.00118
132.8 0.01277 9.163 0.00117 0.00117
142.3 0.00938 11.941 0.00112 0.00112