Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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6Li + 58Ni,   Elab=210 MeV

A. Nadasen, M. McMaster, G. Gunderson, A. Judd, S. Villanueva, P. Schwandt, J.S. Winfield, J. van der Plicht, R.E. Warner, F.D. Becchetti, J.W. Janecke,
Physical Review, C37 (1988) 132-138
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: Uncertainty in the beam energy was estimated to be 1%. Beam current was varied between fraction of nA to over 200 nA.
Target: Target thickness ranged from 0.5 to 20 mg/cm2 depending on the scattering angle.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
Experements were performed using a 35 MeV/nucleon 6Li beam at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University.  

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
3.175 325400 6.202 20180 20180
4.263 55530 6.746 3746 3746
5.397 18140 7.906 1434 1434
6.618 7224 6.747 487.4 487.4
7.09 3289 7.629 250.9 250.9
7.725 1146 5.69 65.2 65.2
8.914 939.9 4.104 38.57 38.57
9.444 914 6.747 61.66 61.66
9.916 618.1 6.747 41.7 41.7
10.48 302.9 6.666 20.19 20.19
11.11 67.16 5.568 3.739 3.739
11.68 33.35 9.317 3.107 3.107
12.27 72.93 6.747 4.92 4.92
12.86 107.8 8.042 8.669 8.669
13.45 96.43 6.746 6.505 6.505
13.86 55.15 6.748 3.721 3.721
14.5 22.82 5.193 1.185 1.185
15.1 4.921 6.747 0.332 0.332
15.57 5.204 6.745 0.351 0.351
16.08 12.81 8.65 1.108 1.108
16.8 16.82 8.039 1.352 1.352
17.28 14.63 5.435 0.795 0.795
17.78 7.372 7.963 0.587 0.587
18.31 3.471 8.067 0.28 0.28
19.1 1.119 6.748 0.07551 0.07551
19.51 1.48 6.747 0.09985 0.09985
20.11 2.634 7.073 0.1863 0.1863
20.63 3.301 5.999 0.198 0.198
21.28 2.814 5.434 0.1529 0.1529
21.63 1.8 8.039 0.1447 0.1447
22.33 0.9648 7.214 0.0696 0.0696
22.87 0.491 5.434 0.02668 0.02668
23.4 0.4037 6.748 0.02724 0.02724
23.93 0.549 6.747 0.03704 0.03704
24.58 0.6054 6.746 0.04084 0.04084
25.11 0.5646 8.04 0.04539 0.04539
25.5 0.4007 6.035 0.02418 0.02418
26.11 0.2618 8.041 0.02105 0.02105
26.67 0.184 7.707 0.01418 0.01418
27.3 0.1263 7.755 0.009794 0.009794
27.88 0.1456 6.748 0.009824 0.009824
28.41 0.1746 5.436 0.00949 0.00949
28.99 0.154 6.747 0.01039 0.01039
29.41 0.1397 6.744 0.009421 0.009421
29.94 0.1165 6.745 0.007857 0.007857
30.52 0.08807 5.435 0.004786 0.004786
31.11 0.08099 6.747 0.005464 0.005464
32.17 0.08449 5.466 0.004618 0.004618
33.35 0.07345 6.747 0.004955 0.004955
34.29 0.05874 6.745 0.003962 0.003962
35.45 0.04863 8.66 0.004211 0.004211
36.47 0.03133 8.041 0.002519 0.002519
37.57 0.03018 7.184 0.002168 0.002168
38.62 0.02532 9.001 0.002279 0.002279
39.68 0.01827 7.253 0.001325 0.001325
40.89 0.01162 8.04 0.0009342 0.0009342
42.07 0.008911 6.746 0.0006011 0.0006011
43.07 0.006862 7.131 0.0004893 0.0004893
44.13 0.005542 8.041 0.0004456 0.0004456
46.24 0.002331 6.766 0.0001577 0.0001577
48.31 0.001261 16.598 0.0002093 0.0002093