20 Ne + 12 C, Elab =390 MeV H.G. Bohlen, E. Stiliaris, B. Gebauer, W. von Oertzen, M. Wilpert, Th. Wilpert, A. Ostrowski, Dao T. Khoa, A.S. Demyanova, A.A. Ogloblin,Zeitschrift fur Physik, A346 (1993) 189-200 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: For the present 20 Ne + 12 C measurement a mixed target of 12 C (478 mkg/cm2 ) and nat Ag (256 mkg/cm2 ) was used. Data obtained: author's graph digitized The experiments were performed using the Q3D magnetic spectrometer at the accelerator VICKSI. The accuracy of the absolute cross section obtained in this way is of about 8%.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 4.033 0.4663 8 0.0373 0.0373 4.414 0.3701 8 0.02961 0.02961 4.642 0.287 8 0.02296 0.02296 5.175 0.2331 8 0.01865 0.01865 5.403 0.2804 8 0.02243 0.02243 5.936 0.3076 8 0.02461 0.02461 6.469 0.2937 8 0.0235 0.0235 7.002 0.2331 8 0.01865 0.01865 7.23 0.1686 8 0.01349 0.01349 7.458 0.1434 8 0.01147 0.01147 7.686 0.1038 8 0.0083 0.0083 8.067 0.05432 8 0.00435 0.00435 8.904 0.04728 8 0.00378 0.00378 9.056 0.07336 8 0.00587 0.00587 9.361 0.0946 8 0.00757 0.00757 9.665 0.1138 8 0.0091 0.0091 10.2 0.1165 8 0.00932 0.00932 10.5 0.09908 8 0.00793 0.00793 10.73 0.08047 8 0.00644 0.00644 10.96 0.06097 8 0.00488 0.00488 11.26 0.04022 8 0.00322 0.00322 11.42 0.02363 8 0.00189 0.00189 11.72 0.01326 8 0.00106 0.00106 12.33 0.00982 8 0.00078536 0.00078536 12.56 0.01595 8 0.00128 0.00128 12.86 0.02363 8 0.00189 0.00189 13.09 0.03421 8 0.00274 0.00274 13.39 0.04515 8 0.00361 0.00361 13.62 0.05308 8 0.00425 0.00425 13.93 0.05308 8 0.00425 0.00425 14.23 0.04839 8 0.00387 0.00387 14.46 0.04116 8 0.00329 0.00329 14.69 0.03119 8 0.0025 0.0025 14.99 0.0201 8 0.00161 0.00161 15.22 0.01154 8 0.0009232 0.0009232 15.45 0.00526 8 0.00042072 0.00042072 15.68 0.00309 8 0.0002472 0.0002472 16.06 0.00347 8 0.00027752 0.00027752 16.29 0.00604 8 0.00048328 0.00048328 16.59 0.00982 8 0.00078536 0.00078536 16.89 0.01357 8 0.00109 0.00109 17.2 0.01671 8 0.00134 0.00134 17.66 0.01671 8 0.00134 0.00134 17.96 0.01421 8 0.00114 0.00114 18.26 0.01296 8 0.00104 0.00104 18.49 0.01052 8 0.0008416 0.0008416 18.72 0.0071 8 0.00056816 0.00056816 19.03 0.00479 8 0.00038352 0.00038352 19.18 0.00302 8 0.00024152 0.00024152 19.33 0.00234 8 0.00018728 0.00018728 19.56 0.00173 8 0.00013872 0.00013872 19.94 0.00218 8 0.0001748 0.0001748 20.47 0.00316 8 0.00025296 0.00025296 21 0.00458 8 0.00036624 0.00036624 21.54 0.00564 8 0.00045088 0.00045088 22.15 0.00551 8 0.00044064 0.00044064 22.68 0.00458 8 0.00036624 0.00036624 23.14 0.00347 8 0.00027752 0.00027752 23.59 0.00234 8 0.00018728 0.00018728 24.2 0.0019 8 0.00015216 0.00015216 24.73 0.00199 8 0.00015936 0.00015936 25.19 0.00229 8 0.00018304 0.00018304 25.8 0.00269 8 0.0002152 0.0002152 26.41 0.00257 8 0.00020544 0.00020544 26.94 0.0019 8 0.00015216 0.00015216 27.47 0.00169 8 0.00013552 0.00013552 28.01 0.00123 8 0.00009808 0.00009808 28.61 0.0008867 8 0.000070936 0.000070936 29.6 0.0006415 8 0.00005132 0.00005132 30.06 0.0007719 8 0.000061752 0.000061752 30.82 0.0009954 8 0.000079632 0.000079632 31.35 0.0007719 8 0.000061752 0.000061752 31.43 0.0006126 8 0.000049008 0.000049008 31.96 0.0006126 8 0.000049008 0.000049008 32.88 0.000521 8 0.00004168 0.00004168 34.25 0.0004135 8 0.00003308 0.00003308 35.62 0.0003281 8 0.000026248 0.000026248 36.99 0.0002791 15 0.000041865 0.000041865 38.36 0.0001461 20 0.00002922 0.00002922 39.73 0.00007135 40 0.00002854 0.00002854 41.17 0.0001057 30 0.00003171 0.00003171 42.62 0.00006069 40 0.000024276 0.000024276