16 O + 16 O, Elab =350 MeV H.G. Bohlen, E. Stiliaris, B. Gebauer, W. yon Oertzen, M. Wilpert, Th. Wilpert, A. Ostrowski, Dao T. Khoa, A.S. Demyanova, A.A. Ogloblin,Zeitschrift fur Physik, A346 (1993) 189-200 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: For the 16 0 + 16 0 measurement a 51 V2 16 O5 target was used (200 mkg/cm2 ). Data obtained: author's graph digitized The experiments were performed using the Q3D magnetic spectrometer at the accelerator VICKSI. The accuracy of the absolute cross section obtained in this way is of about 8%.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 5.086 0.3391 8 0.02713 0.02713 6.048 0.3162 8 0.0253 0.0253 6.598 0.1191 8 0.00953 0.00953 7.423 0.05722 8 0.00458 0.00458 7.973 0.1233 8 0.00986 0.00986 8.247 0.181 8 0.01448 0.01448 8.66 0.2154 8 0.01723 0.01723 9.347 0.1874 8 0.01499 0.01499 9.485 0.1468 8 0.01174 0.01174 9.759 0.1 8 0.008 0.008 9.897 0.06136 8 0.00491 0.00491 10.17 0.03511 8 0.00281 0.00281 10.45 0.02392 8 0.00191 0.00191 11 0.0418 8 0.00334 0.00334 11.13 0.06813 8 0.00545 0.00545 11.27 0.09657 8 0.00773 0.00773 11.68 0.1233 8 0.00986 0.00986 12.51 0.1072 8 0.00858 0.00858 12.65 0.09006 8 0.0072 0.0072 12.92 0.06813 8 0.00545 0.00545 13.2 0.05526 8 0.00442 0.00442 13.33 0.03899 8 0.00312 0.00312 13.61 0.0275 8 0.0022 0.0022 14.43 0.03636 8 0.00291 0.00291 14.57 0.04977 8 0.00398 0.00398 14.98 0.06136 8 0.00491 0.00491 15.26 0.07833 8 0.00627 0.00627 15.95 0.06354 8 0.00508 0.00508 16.22 0.04977 8 0.00398 0.00398 16.63 0.03899 8 0.00312 0.00312 16.91 0.0275 8 0.0022 0.0022 17.18 0.02231 8 0.00178 0.00178 17.87 0.03162 8 0.00253 0.00253 18.14 0.03899 8 0.00312 0.00312 18.42 0.04482 8 0.00359 0.00359 19.11 0.04642 8 0.00371 0.00371 19.66 0.03636 8 0.00291 0.00291 20.29 0.02968 8 0.00237 0.00237 20.58 0.0255 8 0.00204 0.00204 20.72 0.02228 8 0.00178 0.00178 21.16 0.0198 8 0.00158 0.00158 21.59 0.02154 8 0.00172 0.00172 21.74 0.02384 8 0.00191 0.00191 22.02 0.0255 8 0.00204 0.00204 22.31 0.02728 8 0.00218 0.00218 22.75 0.02775 8 0.00222 0.00222 23.47 0.02594 8 0.00208 0.00208 23.62 0.02305 8 0.00184 0.00184 23.9 0.02014 8 0.00161 0.00161 24.05 0.01851 8 0.00148 0.00148 24.34 0.01617 8 0.00129 0.00129 24.92 0.01462 8 0.00117 0.00117 25.35 0.01256 8 0.001 0.001 25.93 0.01512 8 0.00121 0.00121 26.07 0.01645 8 0.00132 0.00132 26.94 0.01701 8 0.00136 0.00136 27.67 0.01512 8 0.00121 0.00121 28.1 0.01321 8 0.00106 0.00106 28.68 0.01174 8 0.0009392 0.0009392 29.26 0.00992 8 0.00079328 0.00079328 29.69 0.00881 8 0.00070496 0.00070496 30.56 0.00852 8 0.00068152 0.00068152 31.28 0.00757 8 0.0006056 0.0006056 32.29 0.00662 8 0.0005292 0.0005292 33.02 0.00588 8 0.00047024 0.00047024 34.03 0.00559 8 0.00044704 0.00044704 34.75 0.00568 8 0.00045464 0.00045464 35.33 0.00522 8 0.00041784 0.00041784 35.91 0.00464 8 0.00037136 0.00037136 36.34 0.00427 8 0.00034128 0.00034128 36.92 0.00366 8 0.0002932 0.0002932 37.64 0.00305 8 0.0002436 0.0002436 38.22 0.0027 8 0.0002164 0.0002164 38.8 0.00236 8 0.00018912 0.00018912 39.38 0.00184 8 0.0001468 0.0001468 39.96 0.0015 8 0.00011992 0.00011992 40.54 0.00136 8 0.0001084 0.0001084 41.55 0.00103 8 0.00008272 0.00008272 42.13 0.0008306 8 0.000066448 0.000066448 42.85 0.0007381 8 0.000059048 0.000059048 43.43 0.0006131 8 0.000049048 0.000049048 44.15 0.0007381 8 0.000059048 0.000059048 45.17 0.0008167 8 0.000065336 0.000065336 46.18 0.0008448 8 0.000067584 0.000067584 47.19 0.0008591 8 0.000068728 0.000068728 48.2 0.0009191 8 0.000073528 0.000073528 49.07 0.0009833 8 0.000078664 0.000078664 50.08 0.0008031 8 0.000064248 0.000064248 51.1 0.0007381 8 0.000059048 0.000059048 52.11 0.0005731 8 0.000045848 0.000045848 53.26 0.0005179 8 0.000041432 0.000041432 53.99 0.0003634 8 0.000029072 0.000029072 55.14 0.0003634 8 0.000029072 0.000029072 56.01 0.0003397 8 0.000027176 0.000027176 57.02 0.0002919 8 0.000023352 0.000023352 57.89 0.0001851 8 0.000014808 0.000014808 59.05 0.0001214 8 0.000009712 0.000009712 60.06 0.0001537 8 0.000012296 0.000012296 61.07 0.0001116 10 0.00001116 0.00001116 62.93 0.00008036 15 0.000012054 0.000012054 64.99 0.00007832 15 0.000011748 0.000011748 67.04 0.00004012 20 0.000008024 0.000008024 68.89 0.00003438 20 0.000006876 0.000006876 70.95 0.00003438 20 0.000006876 0.000006876 73.01 0.00002398 30 0.000007194 0.000007194