Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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6Li + 6Li,   Elab=25 MeV

K.W. Potthast, H. Brand, H. Freiesleben, P. Rosental, B. Kamys, H. Paetz gen. Schick, L. Sydow,
Nuclear Physics, A614 (1997) 95-111
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam current was limited to about 15-30 nA, depending on bombarding energy.
Target: In first run targets of metallic lithium were produced by evaporating 6Li (95% enrichment) onto carbon backings. Thin targets of typically 27 μg/cm2 6Li on carbon backings of 10 μg/cm2 were used. In second run target of mixed composition of 7Li (22.5 μg/cm2) and 6Li (40 μg/cm2) on carbon backings of 20 μg/cm2.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
First experiment (Elab = 5-17 MeV) was carried out at the Dynamitron-Tandem Laboratorium at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum. Second experiment (Elab = 20-40 MeV) was carried out at the 10 MV Van de Graaff Tandem at the Koln Tandem. 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
23.41 75.2 12.165 9.148 9.148
25.49 37.34 16.615 6.204 6.204
27.77 25.99 12.155 3.159 3.159
29.62 32 14.394 4.606 4.606
31.47 38.39 14.392 5.525 5.525
33.74 48.52 16.604 8.056 8.056
35.6 52.48 12.165 6.384 6.384
37.46 48.57 12.156 5.904 5.904
39.32 39.49 14.417 5.693 5.693
41.59 35.62 14.411 5.133 5.133
43.66 26.11 14.409 3.762 3.762
45.73 18.17 14.398 2.616 2.616
47.8 10.54 14.412 1.519 1.519
50.08 7.336 14.409 1.057 1.057
52.15 4.974 12.172 0.6054 0.6054
54.01 4.486 12.161 0.5455 0.5455
56.28 4.852 14.417 0.6995 0.6995
57.93 5.385 14.396 0.7752 0.7752
59.99 6.806 16.589 1.129 1.129
62.05 7.361 14.401 1.06 1.06
64.12 6.993 12.157 0.8501 0.8501
66.18 6.997 12.161 0.8509 0.8509
68.04 6.647 12.167 0.8087 0.8087
70.32 5.266 14.418 0.7592 0.7592
71.97 4.874 14.416 0.7026 0.7026
74.04 4.067 14.407 0.5859 0.5859
76.52 3.394 14.423 0.4895 0.4895
78.17 3.767 16.597 0.6252 0.6252
80.02 4.181 14.406 0.6023 0.6023
81.67 4.763 14.399 0.6858 0.6858
83.73 5.568 18.733 1.043 1.043
85.59 6.51 12.156 0.7913 0.7913
88.07 6.685 9.848 0.6583 0.6583
90.13 6.689 14.412 0.964 0.964
91.57 7.049 12.145 0.8561 0.8561
93.84 7.053 12.157 0.8574 0.8574