Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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6Li + 7Li,   Elab=10 MeV

K.W. Potthast, H. Freiesleben, P. Rosental, B. Kamys, Z. Rudy, H. Paetz gen. Schieck, L. Sydow,
Nuclear Physics, A629 (1998) 656-676
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The Koln 10 MV Van de Graaff Tandem provides 6Li3+ beams of 40-50 nA. The Bochum Tandem provides 6Li beams of 20-40 nA.
Target: A metalic target of mixed composition of 7Li (22.5 μg/cm2) and 6Li (40 μg/cm2) on carbon backings of 20 μg/cm2 (for the Koln experiments). A natural Li target (92.5% of 7Li (13.5 μg/cm2) and 7.5% of 6Li) on carbon backings of 10 μg/cm2 (for the Bochum experiments).
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
First experiment (Elab = 9-16 MeV) was carried out at the Dynamitron-Tandem Laboratorium at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum. Second experiment (Elab = 20-40 MeV) was carried out at the 10 MV Van de Graaff Tandem at the Koln Tandem. 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
51.59 65.14 17.087 11.13 11.13
54.89 57.53 17.082 9.827 9.827
58.57 46.26 14.449 6.684 6.684
62.25 33.88 17.073 5.784 5.784
65.93 26.41 14.453 3.817 3.817
69.62 18.17 17.078 3.103 3.103
73.29 14.61 24.504 3.58 3.58
77.34 13.74 17.067 2.345 2.345
81.01 13.75 17.07 2.347 2.347
83.95 13.75 17.077 2.348 2.348
86.89 12.93 14.448 1.868 1.868
90.2 10.72 17.081 1.831 1.831
93.88 9.18 19.641 1.803 1.803
97.56 6.122 17.086 1.046 1.046
101.6 4.345 17.089 0.7425 0.7425
105.7 3.182 17.09 0.5438 0.5438
109.7 2.724 14.461 0.3939 0.3939
114.1 3.288 14.465 0.4756 0.4756
117.4 3.394 17.078 0.5796 0.5796
121.8 4.227 17.076 0.7218 0.7218
125.9 4.792 14.431 0.6915 0.6915