Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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6Li + 7Li,   Elab=20 MeV

K.W. Potthast, H. Freiesleben, P. Rosental, B. Kamys, Z. Rudy, H. Paetz gen. Schieck, L. Sydow,
Nuclear Physics, A629 (1998) 656-676
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The Koln 10 MV Van de Graaff Tandem provides 6Li3+ beams of 40-50 nA. The Bochum Tandem provides 6Li beams of 20-40 nA.
Target: A metalic target of mixed composition of 7Li (22.5 μg/cm2) and 6Li (40 μg/cm2) on carbon backings of 20 μg/cm2 (for the Koln experiments). A natural Li target (92.5% of 7Li (13.5 μg/cm2) and 7.5% of 6Li) on carbon backings of 10 μg/cm2 (for the Bochum experiments).
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
First experiment (Elab = 9-16 MeV) was carried out at the Dynamitron-Tandem Laboratorium at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum. Second experiment (Elab = 20-40 MeV) was carried out at the 10 MV Van de Graaff Tandem at the Koln Tandem. 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
24.98 40.31 13.317 5.368 5.368
27.92 43.93 16.72 7.345 7.345
32.33 42.92 20.422 8.765 8.765
35.17 66.3 12.826 8.503 8.503
37.1 60.58 14.898 9.025 9.025
40 53.97 16.721 9.024 9.024
41.61 41.01 14.797 6.068 6.068
43.49 31.89 16.724 5.333 5.333
44.82 19.61 16.242 3.185 3.185
47.24 14.32 14.798 2.119 2.119
48.86 8.158 15.568 1.27 1.27
50.73 6.004 14.797 0.8884 0.8884
52.07 4.887 14.797 0.7231 0.7231
54.37 3.613 14.382 0.5196 0.5196
56.1 5.869 16.722 0.9814 0.9814
58.51 7.047 16.717 1.178 1.178
61.71 8.158 15.568 1.27 1.27
65.76 7.906 20.504 1.621 1.621
68.33 6.975 17.764 1.239 1.239
70.59 5.736 14.795 0.8486 0.8486
72.2 4.669 16.721 0.7807 0.7807
74.34 3.313 14.709 0.4873 0.4873
75.69 2.461 14.795 0.3641 0.3641
77.51 1.813 12.141 0.2201 0.2201
80.08 1.551 12.438 0.1929 0.1929
81.18 1.326 10.724 0.1422 0.1422
83.76 1.326 16.645 0.2207 0.2207
86.15 0.9202 14.715 0.1354 0.1354
88.83 1.131 14.793 0.1673 0.1673
90.44 1.268 14.788 0.1875 0.1875
94.41 1.503 17.552 0.2638 0.2638
96.98 1.17 13.778 0.1612 0.1612
100.3 1.099 18.117 0.1991 0.1991
102.1 1.326 12.746 0.169 0.169
104.9 1.593 14.796 0.2357 0.2357
108.7 1.813 12.141 0.2201 0.2201
110.6 2.188 12.578 0.2752 0.2752
113.5 2.641 13.011 0.3436 0.3436
117 3.548 16.723 0.5933 0.5933
120.9 4.095 15.314 0.6271 0.6271
124.5 3.728 15.102 0.563 0.563
126.7 4.46 14.711 0.6561 0.6561
128.9 3.613 14.382 0.5196 0.5196
130.8 4.789 19.767 0.9466 0.9466
132.6 3.728 13.139 0.4898 0.4898
134.4 4.642 18.049 0.8378 0.8378
136.6 3.548 12.825 0.455 0.455
139.5 4.164 14.796 0.6161 0.6161
142.9 4.789 15.02 0.7193 0.7193
146.6 2.994 11.964 0.3582 0.3582