Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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11B + 7Li,   Elab=44 MeV

A.A.Rudchik, A.T.Rudchik, G.M.Kozeratska, O.A.Ponkratenko, E.I.Koshchy, A.Budzanowski, B.Czech, S.Kliczewski, R.Siudak, I.Skwirczynska, A.Szczurek, S.Yu.Mezhevych, K.W.Kemper, J.Choinski, T.Czosnyka, L.Glowacka,
Physical Review, C72 (2005) 034608
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The energy spread of the exit cyclotron beam was about 1%
Target: A self-supporting 500 µg/cm2 foil of natural lithium (92.5% of 7Li) was used as a target
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
The Warsaw University cyclotron C-200P. EXFOR subentry #D0364001 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
5.5 1740 20 348 348
18 602.5 20 120.5 120.5
20.6 239.6 20 47.92 47.92
23.2 173.4 20 34.68 34.68
25.8 209.8 20 41.96 41.96
28.4 140.7 20 28.14 28.14
31.1 69.15 20 13.83 13.83
33.7 27.57 20 5.514 5.514
36.3 13.44 20 2.688 2.688
39 12.4 20 2.48 2.48
41.7 16.6 20 3.32 3.32
44.3 18.28 20 3.656 3.656
47 13.91 20 2.782 2.782
49.8 4.29 20 0.858 0.858
52.5 2.198 20 0.4396 0.4396
55.3 1.909 20 0.3818 0.3818
58 2.54 20 0.508 0.508
60.9 2.618 20 0.5236 0.5236
63.7 2.079 20 0.4158 0.4158
66.6 1.323 20 0.2646 0.2646
69.5 0.7722 19.995 0.1544 0.1544
72.5 0.7146 20 0.14292 0.14292
75.5 0.736 20 0.1472 0.1472
78.6 0.6958 20 0.13916 0.13916
81.7 0.5449 20 0.10898 0.10898
85 0.3527 20 0.07054 0.07054
88.3 0.2714 20.001 0.05428 0.05428
91.8 0.3201 20 0.06402 0.06402
95.4 0.3787 20 0.07574 0.07574
111.9 0.2794 20 0.05588 0.05588
113.9 0.2647 20 0.05294 0.05294
115.9 0.2809 20 0.05618 0.05618
117.9 0.2976 20 0.05952 0.05952
119.9 0.32 20 0.064 0.064
121.9 0.2822 20 0.05644 0.05644
123.9 0.2674 20 0.05348 0.05348
125.9 0.2483 20 0.04966 0.04966
127.9 0.2595 20 0.0519 0.0519
129.9 0.227 20 0.0454 0.0454
131.9 0.2501 20 0.05002 0.05002
133.9 0.245 20 0.049 0.049
135.9 0.2704 20.001 0.05408 0.05408
137.9 0.2968 20 0.05936 0.05936
139.9 0.3074 20 0.06148 0.06148
141.9 0.2674 20 0.05348 0.05348
143.9 0.2474 20 0.04948 0.04948
145.9 0.2479 20 0.04958 0.04958
147.9 0.1955 20 0.0391 0.0391
150 0.2111 20 0.04222 0.04222
152 0.2506 20 0.05012 0.05012
154 0.3143 20 0.06286 0.06286
156 0.452 20 0.0904 0.0904
158 0.5095 20.001 0.1019 0.1019
160 0.5258 20 0.10516 0.10516
162 0.4782 20 0.09564 0.09564
164 0.4158 20 0.08316 0.08316
166 0.3715 20.001 0.0743 0.0743