Experimental data on fusion elastic scattering evaporation residue |
Experimental data on evaporation residues |
(Quite recently we started to fill the database. We are very far from finish...)
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14N + 59CoP.R.S. Gomes, T.J.P. Penna, R. L. Neto, J.C. Acquadro, C. Tenreiro, P.A.B. Freitas, E. Crema, N.C. Filho, M.M. Coimbra,Nuclear Instruments and Methods, A280 (1989) 395-401 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!) Comments
| 2pn+a2pn 1p1n 1p2n 1p3n 2p2n 1a1n 1a2n 1a1p 1a1p1n 1a1p2n 1a2p 2a1n All channels
| 1p3n