8He + 65CuA. Lemasson, A. Navin, N. Keeley et al., Physical Review, C 82 (2010) 44617
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!) CommentsBeam quality: 200000 pps Target: 65Cu (99.7%): 2.68 mg/cm^2, self-supporting foil Detected particles: gamma-rays of EvR Data obtained: author's graph SPIRAL ISOL facility at Grand Accelerateur National D’Ions Lourds (GANIL); 1a3n and 1a4n channels include transfer contribution |
3n 4n 5n 1p4n 1a3n 1a4n All channels | 3nEcm (MeV) | σ (mb) | +δσ | -δσ | 17.66 | 196.9 | 43.29 | 49.54 | 27.18 | 34.32 | 15.08 | 14.61 | 4nEcm (MeV) | σ (mb) | +δσ | -δσ | 17.64 | 965.4 | 84.04 | 84.04 | 27.2 | 772 | 49.48 | 49.48 | 5nEcm (MeV) | σ (mb) | +δσ | -δσ | 17.66 | 52.79 | 17.16 | 15.81 | 27.2 | 536.3 | 78.07 | 78.07 | 1p4nEcm (MeV) | σ (mb) | +δσ | -δσ | 27.2 | 164.1 | 51.57 | 48.21 | 1a3nEcm (MeV) | σ (mb) | +δσ | -δσ | 17.64 | 734.6 | 69.48 | 69.48 | 27.23 | 659.6 | 62.39 | 62.39 | 1a4nEcm (MeV) | σ (mb) | +δσ | -δσ | 17.64 | 181.3 | 27.4 | 27.66 | 27.23 | 360.4 | 42.09 | 42.09 |