Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on evaporation residues

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12C + 248Cm

Torbjorn Sikkeland, Albert Ghiorso and Matti J. Nurmia,
Physical Review, 172 (1968) 1232
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: 2 MeV, 2e12 pps
Target: 248Cm (monoisotopic): 0.2-0.5 mg/cm^2; beryllium metal ~5 mg/cm^2
Detected particles: alpha-decay and FF of EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Berkeley Hilac 

3n   4n   5n   All channels
Java blocked?

Elab (MeV)σ (mcb)+δσ-δσ
64.28 0.10483 0.02437 0.02437
68.19 0.16013 0.02552 0.02552
72.78 0.14503 0.04233 0.03371
Elab (MeV)σ (mcb)+δσ-δσ
67.03 0.4097 0.09009 0.1321
69.01 0.88184 0.14667 0.14667
73.12 0.99949 0.10921 0.10921
76.91 0.52929 0.11658 0.15532
79.91 0.43163 0.1797 0.1797
84.06 0.02568 0.08905 0.02012
Elab (MeV)σ (mcb)+δσ-δσ
67.94 0.07711 0.02353 0.02353
72.75 0.34495 0.04884 0.04292
77.98 0.58064 0.05921 0.05921
82.92 0.84231 0.11659 0.11659
86.75 0.55772 0.06931 0.06931
91.56 0.17072 0.00694 0.00694
99.53 0.03671 0.00178 0.00178