Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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11B + 11B

A. Szanto de Toledo, M.M. Coimbra, N. Added et al.,
Physical Review Letters, 62 (1989) 1255
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 11B: self-supporting
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
University of Sao Paulo Pelletron Accelerator 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
7.694 610.96891 30.99202 30.99202
9.087 741.60838 30.99202 30.99202
10.071 832.35135 35.41967 35.41967
11.013 863.37633 33.20585 33.20585
11.997 1020.52897 35.41967 35.41967
12.981 1024.93938 33.20585 33.20585
13.964 1155.57885 33.20585 33.20585
14.99 1137.83581 28.7787 28.7787
15.97 1168.86078 28.7787 28.7787
17.86 1190.96354 28.7787 28.7787
18.88 1186.55313 33.20585 33.20585
19.91 1190.96354 30.99202 30.99202
21.92 1193.19409 30.99202 30.99202
22.94 1168.86078 33.20585 33.20585
24.01 1142.29692 35.41967 35.41967
24.95 1168.86078 33.20585 33.20585