Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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13C + 48Ti

H. Dumont, B. Delaunay, J. Delaunay et al.,
Nuclear Physics, A 435 (1985) 301
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 48Ti: ~100 mcg/cm^2; thick Ta backing
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
FN9 tandem accelerator at Saclay 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
19.23077 50.84 16.92 16.91
21.2766 163.5 12.66 19.01
23.25581 290.7 21.12 21.1
25 424.3 40.1 38.02
27.02703 557.7 50.7 48.54
29.41176 708 54.88 54.89
31.25 782.2 65.46 63.33
33.33333 917.6 78.12 73.89
34.48276 974.9 80.22 78.13
37.03704 1034 84.43 78.15
38.46154 1121 92.91 95.02
41.66667 1210 101.3 97.14
43.47826 1161 97.11 86.59
45.45455 1149 88.68 90.8
47.61905 1202 92.9 92.9