Experimental data on
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Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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16O + 112Sn

Vandana Tripathi, Lagy T. Baby, J.J. Das et al.,
Physical Review, C 65 (2001) 14614
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 112Sn (~96.3%): 68 mcg/cm^2, Carbon backing ~15 mcg/cm2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
15UD Pelletron accelerator at Nuclear Science Center (NSC), New Delhi 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
45.84 0.08432 0.04612 0.04262
46.71 0.2436 0.04775 0.04775
47.15 0.2799 0.03628 0.03628
47.58 0.455 0.05898 0.05898
48.05 1.215 0.1363 0.1363
48.45 2.159 0.2231 0.2231
48.92 4.82 0.4115 0.4115
49.34 8.316 0.8594 0.8594
49.76 15.84 1.496 1.496
50.25 25 2.583 2.583
50.64 38.29 3.269 3.269
51.11 52.59 4.965 4.965
51.51 68.06 7.034 7.034
51.96 88.96 9.193 9.193
52.4 108.5 11.21 11.21
52.83 125.9 11.88 11.88
53.28 149 14.06 14.06
53.65 167.8 14.33 14.33
54.17 192.8 19.92 19.92
54.63 212.9 18.18 18.18
55.02 230.5 23.82 23.82
55.47 259.6 22.16 22.16
55.91 278.3 33.65 33.65
56.34 310.3 37.53 37.53
56.79 322.9 30.48 30.48
57.63 378.4 35.72 35.72
58.61 417.8 46.88 46.88
59.42 461.4 47.68 47.68
60.29 489.7 50.61 50.61
61.14 535.4 50.55 50.55