Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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16O + 16O

J. J. Kolata, R. C. Fuller, R. M. Freeman et al.,
Physical Review, C 16 (1977) 891
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Ta2O5: 250 mcg/cm^2 (anodized Ta)
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Gamma-ray techniques 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
12.25 242.71 6.5654 6.5654
12.78 298.93 7.5007 7.5007
13.29 340.16 7.9695 7.9695
13.75 378.11 9.3764 9.3764
14.23 439.02 11.255 11.255
14.73 466.65 11.249 11.249
14.77 471.81 11.25 11.25
15.25 522.88 14.065 12.189
15.75 560.36 12.188 13.594
16.26 592.67 14.063 13.125
16.74 612.34 14.065 14.065
17.2 618.88 15 15
17.26 629.19 14.531 14.531
17.73 692.92 16.406 14.999
18.25 725.24 16.876 16.407
18.73 766.93 18.28 16.411
19.23 764.1 16.875 16.875
19.75 757.04 19.219 19.219
19.78 741.57 16.408 16.408
19.81 732.19 16.876 16.876
20.26 768.27 17.344 17.813
20.76 803.87 17.813 16.876
21.23 843.22 17.814 19.689
21.78 877.41 18.752 19.687
22.27 868.48 20.157 19.219
22.76 873.15 18.751 19.219
23.29 851.09 20.158 17.811
23.76 830.44 17.343 17.343
23.82 826.22 17.814 17.814
24.27 843.54 18.283 18.283
24.3 850.11 19.219 19.219
24.73 852.43 15.937 15.937
24.78 871.64 17.346 17.346
25.24 873.03 18.75 18.75
25.32 879.12 19.689 19.689
25.77 876.29 18.75 18.75
25.8 890.82 19.686 19.686
26.25 891.73 22.501 21.094
26.79 891.24 22.033 19.219
27.26 840.12 16.876 18.748
27.29 831.68 19.219 17.812
27.32 827.46 17.344 18.281
27.8 840.1 16.876 18.28
27.82 815.72 16.876 18.28
27.86 809.16 16.876 18.75
28.29 838.67 15.937 20.158
28.32 818.51 17.342 14.062
28.79 816.61 17.814 17.813
28.83 826.92 18.751 17.345
29.28 830.65 17.808 18.283
29.33 834.4 19.689 17.814
29.77 833.44 18.751 16.873
29.84 827.81 15.469 20.155
30.33 813.26 18.283 16.403