Experimental data on
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Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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16O + 176Yb

Tapan Rajbongshi, K. Kalita, S. Nath et al.,
Physical Review, C 93 (2016) 54622
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 176Yb (96.63%): 170 mcg/cm^2, nat C backing 25 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer (HIRA) at IUAC, New Delhi 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
59.2 0.803 0.112 0.112
60.1 0.694 0.108 0.108
61 1.15 0.161 0.161
62 3.14 0.438 0.438
62.8 6.39 0.787 0.787
63.8 13 1.6 1.6
64.7 25 3.08 3.08
65.5 39.2 5.47 5.47
66.5 52.4 6.45 6.45
67.5 71.1 9.92 9.92
68.4 105 13 13
69.3 113 15.8 15.8
70.2 145 17.8 17.8
71.1 163 20 20
72 199 18.1 18.1
72.9 234 32.6 32.6
74.8 303 42.3 42.3
76.6 406 56.6 56.6
78.5 456 56.1 56.1
80.3 512 63 63
82.1 618 86.2 86.2
83.9 583 81.3 81.3
85.8 655 91.3 91.3
87.6 714 76.4 76.4
89.4 768 82.1 82.1
91.3 927 129 129
93.1 850 119 119
94.9 927 129 129