Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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16O + 197Au

S. Baba, K. Hata, S. Ichikawa et al.,
Zeitschrift fur Physik, A 331 (1988) 53
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 197Au: 2 mg/cm^2, Al recoil catcher 2 mg/cm^2, foil stack of 2-3 sets
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
73.92 26.348 1.3622 1.3622
78.49 104.75 6.7256 6.7256
83.06 164.49 8.5043 8.5043
87.63 155.99 8.0646 8.0646
92.2 134.8 6.9692 6.9692
96.61 127.83 6.6089 6.6089
101.3 127.83 8.207 8.207
105.9 116.49 6.0226 6.0226
110.5 100.67 5.2045 5.2045
114.9 76.181 4.891 4.891
119.6 57.651 2.9806 2.9806