Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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27Al + 197Au

Y.X. Watanabe, A. Yoshida, T. Fukuda et al.,
European Physical Journal, A 10 (2001) 373
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 197Au: 68.8-190.3 mcg/cm^2, Mylar film 0.58 mcg/cm^2, stack of foils; 197Au: ~480 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: FF
Data obtained: author's graph
RIKEN AVF cyclotron; 20 MV tandem accelerator of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
107 1.4427 0.41524 0.41524
109.6 1.6737 0.31991 0.31991
109.7 12.035 3.2801 3.2801
111.5 9.9437 3.438 3.438
112.3 22.743 3.9526 3.9526
112.5 15.857 3.3002 3.3002
115.5 68.533 23.695 23.695
115.5 54.27 11.295 11.295
115.9 65.686 9.0642 9.0642
118.5 150.24 20.731 20.731
120.8 174.28 30.291 30.291
121 202.18 31.558 31.558
123.4 272.1 42.471 42.471
124.2 266.39 55.44 55.44
124.9 266.39 46.298 46.298
125.7 336.4 46.42 46.42
129.3 336.4 46.42 46.42
129.5 398.62 62.218 62.218
131.6 583.96 91.148 91.148
133.8 583.96 80.582 80.582
136.1 677.44 105.74 105.74
137.5 609.27 95.098 95.098
138.3 663.22 79.263 79.263
140.5 753.24 90.021 90.021
143.7 525.19 72.473 72.473
145.8 951.21 113.68 113.68
147.7 1423.4 170.11 170.11
149.9 721.96 99.624 99.624
151.8 837.53 130.73 130.73