Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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28Si + 154Sm

S. Gil, D. Abriola, D.E. DiGregorio et al.,
Physical Review Letters, 65 (1990) 3100
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 154Sm
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Tandem accelerator at Tandar Laboratory 

Elab (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
106.9 1.0117 0.12947 0.12947
109.5 3.1627 0.40456 0.40456
111.9 8.623 1.1055 1.1055
112.6 7.5167 0.96151 0.96151
114 16.074 2.2696 2.2696
114.5 21.456 2.7496 2.7496
116.3 26.525 3.3953 3.3953
117 43.148 6.0863 6.0863
119.4 80.416 10.28 10.28
120.4 95.02 12.177 12.177
121.9 122.97 14.111 14.111
124.4 193.86 22.246 22.246
124.7 138.69 17.745 17.745
127.9 190.59 24.402 24.402
129.4 339.51 47.919 47.919
132.9 328.75 37.677 37.677
134.4 419.04 53.725 53.725
139.5 509.36 58.36 58.36
144.4 609.86 78.136 78.136