Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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32S + 12C

J. J. Kolata, R. A. Racca, P. A. DeYoung et al.,
Physical Review, C 32 (1985) 1080
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: (nat)C: 10 mcg/cm^2; thick Au backing
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
University of Notre Dame 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
16.36 168.82 5.8541 5.4638
16.48 177.01 5.8541 5.4638
16.61 191.84 5.0736 5.4638
16.7 194.97 4.6833 4.293
16.82 208.24 5.8541 5.4638
16.91 227.36 6.2444 5.0736
17.03 240.63 6.6347 5.8541
17.16 241.02 6.2444 5.4638
17.26 257.02 5.8541 6.2444
17.38 266.78 6.2444 5.8541
17.5 278.48 5.0736 5.0736
17.69 303.85 7.4152 6.2444
17.8 305.02 5.8541 5.8541
17.92 305.02 5.8541 5.8541
18.03 322.2 7.0249 5.8541
18.15 313.22 5.4638 5.8541
18.24 337.42 6.2444 7.0249
18.37 343.27 4.293 5.8541
18.5 345.22 7.4152 7.0249
18.57 361.61 6.2444 5.8541
18.71 368.64 7.0249 8.1957
18.78 378 6.6347 6.6347
18.9 383.86 6.6347 5.8541
19.04 392.84 8.1957 7.4152
19.14 406.1 6.2444 5.8541
19.22 417.42 7.4152 7.8055
19.33 417.81 7.4152 7.0249
19.45 424.06 7.4152 7.0249
19.57 431.86 8.9763 8.586
19.68 443.57 8.1957 8.586
19.8 444.35 7.8055 7.4152
19.9 460.74 8.586 8.1957
20 483.77 10.537 8.586
20.12 474.79 8.9763 8.1957
20.25 472.84 8.586 7.4152
20.37 482.6 8.9763 7.4152
20.45 487.28 9.7568 7.8055
20.58 485.33 6.2444 7.0249
20.68 480.26 9.7568 8.586
20.77 504.45 9.3666 8.9763
20.87 531.77 8.586 7.4152
21 526.7 9.3666 7.8055
21.08 540.36 7.4152 8.1957
21.21 531.77 9.3666 7.4152
21.34 530.99 6.2444 7.4152
21.46 535.28 10.147 8.586
21.56 534.11 10.147 8.586
21.66 550.9 8.586 8.1957
21.78 539.58 8.9763 9.3666
21.89 555.19 10.537 9.7568
22.01 539.97 10.147 9.3666
22.09 566.12 11.708 12.098
22.2 569.63 12.489 11.708
22.31 588.36 12.879 10.147
22.44 577.82 12.098 11.318
22.53 605.53 8.9763 7.4152
22.65 593.44 12.879 11.708
22.74 613.73 15.611 12.489
22.86 628.17 14.05 12.489
22.96 603.58 12.098 11.318
23.06 629.34 13.269 12.098
23.18 637.54 11.708 9.7568
23.28 641.83 10.537 10.928
23.38 652.37 11.708 10.928
23.51 649.24 12.098 10.928
23.63 652.76 12.879 10.928
23.73 640.66 10.928 10.147
23.85 633.63 11.318 10.147
23.93 658.61 10.147 10.928
24.06 649.64 10.537 9.7568
24.16 663.29 12.489 10.147
24.27 647.29 10.537 10.537
24.38 657.05 11.318 11.318
24.48 667.98 11.708 11.708
24.61 667.98 11.708 11.708
24.71 655.88 10.537 10.537
24.8 680.86 13.66 11.318
24.93 677.34 10.928 11.708
25.05 690.22 10.928 10.537
25.13 704.66 13.269 11.708
25.27 702.32 12.098 12.098
25.36 725.74 12.879 12.489
25.48 707.01 12.098 12.489
25.56 744.86 13.66 13.269
25.69 755.01 12.879 11.318
25.79 739.79 12.098 10.147
25.89 730.42 11.318 12.098
26.02 722.62 12.489 11.318
26.13 737.06 10.928 10.537
26.22 762.42 11.318 10.147
26.33 769.84 12.098 9.3666
26.45 780.77 11.708 10.147
26.55 802.62 12.489 10.928
26.67 756.18 12.489 12.098
26.78 772.57 12.489 11.318
26.9 772.18 10.928 8.9763
27 755.01 11.318 10.537
27.11 785.84 12.098 10.537
27.22 745.25 12.879 12.879
27.34 748.76 12.098 10.537
27.43 777.64 12.879 10.928
27.56 778.82 13.269 12.098
27.67 779.99 12.489 12.489
27.78 779.6 11.318 11.318
27.89 776.86 11.708 11.708
27.98 766.72 9.3666 9.3666
28.11 762.03 12.098 12.098