Experimental data on
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Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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32S + 208Pb

D. J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, N. Herrald et al.,
Physical Review, C 75 (2007) 054603
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 208PbS (>99%): 25-90 mcg/cm^2; C backing 15 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: FF
Data obtained: author's graph
14UD tandem electrostatic accelerator at Australian National University 

Elab (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
131.5 0.81222 4.4076 3.8576
132.4 0.82095 3.8571 3.3061
133.3 0.83023 3.856 3.8576
133.8 0.83569 3.8582 3.305
134.6 1.3943 3.8565 2.754
135.2 1.9519 3.3072 3.3055
135.9 2.51 3.3066 3.3066
136.6 1.9661 3.3055 3.8571
137.1 1.9716 3.856 3.8565
137.7 3.0796 4.4076 2.7545
138.4 3.3745 3.4244 3.4244
139 5.0931 3.9946 2.8541
139.4 8.5226 3.9952 4.5666
140.3 13.098 4.5677 3.4244
141.2 20.038 4.3047 3.6897
142.1 26.813 3.077 4.3041
142.9 34.817 3.689 3.689
143.7 44.051 4.3053 4.3047
144.7 55.746 4.3053 3.6909
145.5 68.671 4.9203 4.9197
146 77.902 3.6884 3.689
146.4 82.826 4.3053 3.6884
147.2 96.365 3.0722 4.3053
147.3 98.827 4.3041 3.0746
147.8 109.29 4.3035 3.6897
148.2 116.06 4.3053 3.6903
148.9 132.06 4.9197 4.3059
149.5 144.36 3.6897 4.3041
150.7 167.75 3.689 4.9203
151.3 179.44 4.9216 4.3047
152.3 200.36 4.3053 4.3053
153 212.67 4.3047 3.0758
153.3 218.21 4.3065 3.6897
154.2 238.51 4.3053 4.3035
154.7 247.13 3.6927 3.6884
155.8 279.26 3.4249 3.4272
156 275.84 3.4261 3.4238
156.5 281.55 3.4244 3.4238
157.7 308.39 4.5666 3.4238
159.4 332.95 3.4238 4.5671
160.3 365.5 4.5654 5.138
162.6 403.77 5.1357 3.4244
165.3 472.87 4.5671 3.9958
174.9 631.08 7.4201 5.7082
183.6 764.75 7.9921 7.9904