Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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40Ca + 124Sn

A.M. Stefanini,
Journal of Physics, G 23 (1997) 1401
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: 0.125%
Target: 124Sn (99.8%): 90 mcg/cm^2; carbon backing 15 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's table
XTU Tandem accelerator at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro; quoted errors include statistical errors only, overall error in vertical scale is +-15% 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
107.52 0.449 0.12386 0.12386
107.97 0.60383 0.092896 0.092896
108.27 0.97541 0.13934 0.13934
108.65 1.3625 0.18579 0.18579
109.03 1.9353 0.24772 0.24772
109.48 2.5546 0.30965 0.30965
109.79 3.1894 0.24772 0.24772
110.16 4.7842 0.3561 0.3561
110.54 5.6822 0.40255 0.40255
110.92 7.6794 0.449 0.449
111.37 10.095 0.58834 0.58834
111.75 10.884 0.63479 0.63479
112.05 15.483 0.61931 0.61931
112.43 19.508 0.77414 0.77414
112.89 21.552 1.1612 1.1612
113.26 24.525 1.2386 1.2386
113.64 30.826 1.6102 1.6102
113.94 36.183 1.7341 1.7341
114.32 44.482 1.8424 1.8424
114.78 47.981 1.8424 1.8424
115.08 55.087 1.8734 1.8734
115.46 64.718 1.7495 1.7495
115.83 69.585 1.0162 1.0162
116.21 78.408 1.1123 1.1123
116.67 85.622 1.2127 1.2127
116.97 94.985 1.0773 1.0773
117.35 99.469 1.4131 1.4131
117.72 112.59 1.5847 1.5847
118.1 121.94 1.6889 1.6889
118.56 128.37 1.8095 1.8095
118.86 139.63 1.9281 1.9281
119.24 145.66 2.0594 2.0594
119.61 156.16 1.9432 1.9432
120.07 164.98 2.3207 2.3207
120.45 172.54 2.4508 2.4508
120.82 183.25 2.6115 2.6115
121.2 195.53 2.831 2.831
121.58 199.74 2.8736 2.8736
121.96 214.4 2.9892 2.9892
122.26 224.38 4.1803 4.1803
122.71 231.93 3.3837 3.3837
123.09 242.68 3.4765 3.4765
123.47 241.1 3.4872 3.4872
123.85 248.61 3.4892 3.4892
124.23 262.94 3.7769 3.7769
124.6 272.06 3.8419 3.8419
124.98 279.28 3.7197 3.7197
125.74 299.11 3.368 3.368
126.5 318.67 4.4449 4.4449
127.25 320.34 4.8445 4.8445
128.01 343.45 5.2781 5.2781
128.76 354.43 6.0042 6.0042
129.52 355.05 5.7874 5.7874
130.28 376.14 6.1017 6.1017
131.03 392.04 4.075 4.075
131.79 403.79 4.2701 4.2701
132.62 398.76 3.8908 3.8908