Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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64Ni + 116Sn

W.S. Freeman, H. Ernst, D.F. Geesaman et al.,
Physical Review Letters, 50 (1983) 1563
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: 1 MeV
Target: 116Sn (enriched): 250-300 mcg/cm^2, C backing 20 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Argonne superconducting linac 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
151.6 1.7686 0.12467 0.12467
158.3 29.718 2.0948 2.0948
164.3 68.379 3.884 3.884
173.4 90.273 6.3633 6.3633
182 71.444 4.0581 4.0581
191.3 58.221 4.104 4.104
199.9 61.727 3.5062 3.5062