Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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6Li + 64Zn

P.R.S. Gomes, I. Padron, M.D. Rodriguez et al.,
Physics Letters, B 601 (2004) 20
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 64Zn
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Tandem accelerators at Universidade de Sao Paulo-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Laboratorio Tandar, Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
14.59 114.1 10.739 11.674
16.46 144.16 14.516 13.971
18.32 331.77 31.224 33.944
20.12 486.97 45.83 49.823
21.92 633.99 59.667 64.865