Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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7Li + 11B

R. Vlastou, C.T. Papadopoulos, C. Tsabaris et al.,
European Physical Journal, A 8 (2000) 361
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 11B (enriched): 323 mcg/cm^2, Ta backing 100 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
T11/25 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at Nuclear Research Centre Demokritos 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
3.14169 393.69 30.429 30.429
3.4626 433.12 36.53 36.53
3.77929 480.18 41.089 41.089
4.095 531.82 44.128 44.128
4.39947 556.09 47.178 47.178
4.71476 562.1 44.122 44.122
5.03271 653.34 56.306 56.306
5.33618 635.03 51.741 51.741
5.64972 612.15 51.735 51.735
5.95593 641.02 54.78 54.78
6.26174 672.94 57.828 57.828
6.58328 674.42 59.348 59.348
6.89655 654.61 54.776 54.776
7.22022 659.14 54.789 54.789
7.53012 677.37 60.867 60.867
7.8064 665.18 56.304 56.304
8.1367 631.67 53.257 53.257
8.4317 619.48 56.3 56.3
8.75657 651.42 60.861 60.861
9.06618 605.75 56.298 56.298
9.35454 601.16 56.298 56.298
9.67118 628.54 57.822 57.822
9.96016 622.44 56.296 56.296
10.27221 631.55 56.302 56.302
10.59996 570.67 54.78 54.78
10.89918 553.92 54.776 54.776
11.21579 537.17 56.302 56.302
11.4969 558.46 54.785 54.785