Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on HI fusion cross sections

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90Zr + 94Zr

M. Beckerman, J. Wiggins, H. Aljuwair et al.,
Physical Review, C 29 (1984) 1938
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 94Zr (98.6%); Formvar and/or carbon backing 15 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's graph
Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory 

Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
169.2 0.01299 0.0059 0.00596
170.1 0.04077 0.01002 0.0126
171.1 0.11577 0.02419 0.02376
172 0.29898 0.06248 0.05536
172.7 0.42621 0.08906 0.09911
173.7 0.5471 0.14819 0.1614
174.6 0.87484 0.18281 0.16552
175.1 1.3781 0.27142 0.2382
175.5 1.1746 0.19666 0.22223
176.1 1.7427 0.3747 0.32264
176.8 1.9646 0.41052 0.38753
177.3 2.5218 0.52695 0.46689
177.9 2.3165 0.52633 0.44765
178.3 3.5238 0.75766 0.53537
178.9 4.0526 0.77399 0.77399
179.2 3.4541 0.7848 0.52478
179.5 3.1102 0.57555 0.5504
179.8 4.2601 0.81362 0.80602
180.4 6.1647 1.2141 1.1162
180.9 7.5276 1.573 1.3011
181.4 6.289 1.4289 1.2153
181.9 7.342 1.9422 1.3891
182.2 8.7007 1.8181 1.3952
182.9 8.832 1.9527 1.5992
183.5 9.192 1.8654 1.7763
184.3 10.362 1.8564 1.8338
185.6 11.113 2.5249 1.782