
Experimental data

OM potential
Java blocked?

Inelastic scattering of nuclear particles (one-step excitation of collective state)
Model: DWBA  (based on DWUCK4, P.Kunz)
   r0 fm  R fm
   r0 fm  R fm
 MeV  lab   cm   E/A
Inelastic Excitation of   projectile    or   target
ground state J(π)
excited state J(π) Eexc MeV
transferred momenta j tr ħ l tr, str ħ
Normalization: β l β Coul Coulomb excitation       
Transition Form-Factor (taken as derivative of entrance channel OMP) include exclude imaginary part
Experimental data
OM potential in entrance channel V0vol MeV   r0vol fm   avol fm
  V0sur MeV   r0sur fm   asur fm
 Proximity:  b fm  r0coul fm

Absorptive potential W0vol MeV   r0vol fm   avol fm 
   W0sur MeV   r0sur fm   asur fm

Spin-orbit interaction

Spin  1/2 V0 MeV   W0 MeV   r0 fm   a fm
OM potential in exit channel V0vol MeV   r0vol fm   avol fm
  V0sur MeV   r0sur fm   asur fm
 Proximity:  b fm  r0coul fm

Absorptive potential W0vol MeV   r0vol fm   avol fm 
   W0sur MeV   r0sur fm   asur fm

Spin-orbit interaction

Spin  1/2 V0 MeV   W0 MeV   r0 fm   a fm
Integration parameters
Initial angle deg. Partial waves:  
Maximal angle deg. L max Rmax fm    
Step deg.     Integration step fm