function NuclearChargeDensity() { this.Const = new Constants(); = new CommonFun(); = new GaussQuadrature(); this.Debugging = false; this.Show = true; this.TypeAbbrevation = ''; this.ShortReference = ''; this.Reference = ''; this.Z = -1; this.A = -1; this.Type = -1; this.IndexRef = -1; this.R2 = 0; this.RP = 0; this.c = 0; this.a = 0; this.z = 0; this.alpha = 0; this.w = 0; this.Qmin = 0; this.Qmax = 1; this.Ri = []; this.Qi = []; this.Ai = []; this.rho0 = 0; this.defineRho0 = function() {; this.rho0 = 1.0; var Integral = 0, ig, r,rho, rmax = 3.0*this.R2; for(ig=0;ig <; ig++) { r = rmax*0.5*(1*[ig]+1.0); rho = this.getDensity(r); Integral = 1*Integral + 1*r*r*[ig]*rho; } this.rho0 = this.Z/(4*Math.PI*Integral*0.5*rmax); } this.getAnaliticExpression = function() { var buffer = '',i; switch(this.Type) { default: break; case 0: // Harmonic oscilator buffer += "Harmonic oscilator model:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\rho_0(1+\\alpha r^2/a^2) exp(-r^2/a^2),\n"+ "where a = ",4)+" fm, "+ "\\alpha = ",4)+", "+ "\\rho_0 = ",4)+" fm^{-3}"; break; case 1: // Modified Harmonic oscilator buffer += "Modified harmonic oscilator model:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\rho_0(1+\\alpha r^2/a^2) exp(-r^2/a^2),\n"+ "where a = ",4)+" fm, "+ "\\alpha = ",4)+ "\\rho0 = ",4)+" fm^{-3}"; break; case 5: // 2 parameters Fermi model buffer += "2 parameters Fermi model:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\rho_0/(1+exp((r-c)/z)),\n"+ "where c = ",4)+" fm, "+ "z = ",4)+" fm, "+ "\\rho0 = ",4)+" fm^{-3}"; break; case 6: // 3 parameters Fermi model buffer += "3 parameters Fermi model:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\rho_0(1+w r^2/c^2)/(1+exp((r-c)/z)),\n"+ "where c = ",4)+" fm, "+ "z = ",4)+" fm, "+ "w = ",4)+", "+ "\\rho0 = ",4)+" fm^{-3}"; break; case 7: // 3 parameters Gauss model buffer += "3 parameters Gaussian model:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\rho_0(1+w r^2/c^2)/(1+exp((r^2-c^2)/z^2)),\n"+ "where c = ",4)+" fm, "+ "z = ",4)+" fm, "+ "w = ",4)+", "+ "\\rho0 = ",4)+" fm^{-3}"; break; case 3: // Fourier-Bessel buffer += "Fourier-Bessel expansion:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\sum_\\nu a_\\nu j_0(\\nu\\pi r/R) for r < R,\n"+ "\\rho(r) = 0.0 for r > R,\n"+ "here R = ",4)+" fm, and \n"; for(i=0;i<15;i+=3) buffer += "a_{"+(i+1)+"}="+this.Ai[i]+", a_{"+(i+2)+"}="+this.Ai[i+1]+", a_{"+(i+3)+"}="+this.Ai[i+2]+",\n"; buffer += "a_{16}="+this.Ai[15]+", a_{17}="+this.Ai[16]; break; case 4: // Gauss sum buffer += "Sum-of-Gaussians parameters:\n"+ "\\rho(r) = \\sum_i A_i [exp(-(r-R_i)^2/\\gamma^2) + exp(-(r+R_i)^2/\\gamma^2)],\n"+ "where A_i = Z Q_i/[2\\pi^{3/2}\\gamma^3 (1+2R_i^2/\\gamma^2)], and \n"+ "\\gamma = \\sqrt{2/3} R_G, and the rms radius of the Gaussians R_G=",4)+" fm,\n"; for(i=1;i<=12;i++) buffer += "R_{"+i+"}="+this.Ri[i-1]+" Q_{"+i+"}="+this.Qi[i-1]+"\n"; break; case 8: // Uniform Gauss model break; } buffer += "\n\n"; return buffer; } this.getDensity = function(r) { var i,ra,r1,r2,c2,z2, Ci,gamma2, rho = 0; switch(this.Type) { default: break; case 0: // Harmonic oscilator case 1: // Modified Harmonic oscilator ra = r*r/(this.a*this.a); if(ra>1.e100) rho = 0; else rho = this.rho0*(1+1*this.alpha*ra)*Math.exp(-ra); break; case 5: // 2 parameters Fermi model rho = this.rho0/(1+1*Math.exp((r-this.c)/this.z)); break; case 6: // 3 parameters Fermi model rho = this.rho0*(1+1*this.w*r*r/(this.c*this.c))/(1+1*Math.exp((r-this.c)/this.z)); break; case 7: // 3 parameters Gauss model r2 = r*r; c2 = this.c*this.c; z2 = this.z*this.z; rho = this.rho0*(1+1*this.w*r2/c2)/(1+1*Math.exp((r2-c2)/z2)); break; case 2: // Model independent evaluation case 3: // Fourier-Bessel rho = 0.0; if(r