Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on evaporation residues

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12C + 208Pb

Kushal Kalita,
Journal of Physics, G 38 (2011) 95104
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 208PbS (>99%): 84 mcg/cm^2, carbon backing foil 15 mcg/cm^2
Detected particles: EvR
Data obtained: author's table
14UD-tandem electrostatic accelerator at ANU 

2n   3n   4n   5n   6n   2p3n   2p4n   2p5n   2p6n   1a1n   1a3n   1a4n   1a5n   All channels
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Ecm (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
54.65 0.51562 0.12743 0.12743
56.53 2.9225 0.34642 0.34642
58.32 4.0063 0.36172 0.36172
60.2 4.841 1.8248 1.8248
61.98 7.0683 1.0313 1.0313
63.86 7.0683 1.0313 1.0313
65.74 6.6362 0.96824 0.96824
67.72 4.1346 1.2122 1.2122