Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on evaporation residues

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(at least one item)
Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
and/or Evaporation channel     n    p    α
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6He + 197Au

Yu.E. Penionzhkevich, R.A. Astabatyan, N.A. Demekhina, G.G. Gulbekian, R. Kalpakchieva, A.A. Kulko et al.,
European Physical Journal, A31 (2007) 185-194
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: energy of about 10MeV/A, intensity up to 2*10^7 pps
Target: gold foils, 4 -50 mkm
Detected particles: gamma-rays and alphas of EvR
Data obtained: digitized author's graph

2n   3n   4n   5n   6n   7n   All channels
Java blocked?

Elab (MeV)σ (mb)+δσ-δσ
31.13 258.4 110.5 110.5
32.22 331.6 44.02 44.02
33.99 614.7 81.6 81.6
34.88 743.2 98.67 98.67
36.59 1238 151.5 151.5
37.68 1224 174.9 174.9
39.25 1394 307.6 307.6
40.2 1646 235.4 235.4
41.71 1627 216 216
42.53 1832 280.4 280.4
44.03 1551 439.1 439.1
46.48 1345 178.6 178.6
48.53 1253 166.3 166.3
50.72 1049 139.2 139.2
52.76 888.1 117.9 117.9
57.47 559 74.21 74.21
60.07 360.3 47.83 47.83